Colour: from strong straw yellow to amber
Bouquet: intense, typical of muscat grapes
Flavour: sweet and smooth
Minimum alcohol content: 18% with at least 12% after fermentation
Minimum total acidity: 6 g/l
Minimum net dry extract: 30 g/l
Best served with: it is perfect if sipped while meditating, and goes perfect with biscuits and desserts, the sweetness is exquisite with custard filled cakes, fruit tarts, ice cream and sorbets.
Temperature best served at: 12-14° C
DOC Elba Muscat Passito is made from 100% Muscat grapes that have been specially selected and that once picked are then left to dry in the sun.
Interesring fact: Muscat grapes are as ancient as the Aleatico grapes because they are grown in vintage vineyards with a long history, and are grown in only 5 hectares.
The vineyards are spurred cordon shaped with a maximum of 4000 bunches with a maximum of 70 per hectare.
The maximum amount of grapes for the wine must not be more than 35% of the fresh grapes.
The grapes meant for the Muscat passito production once they have been carefully selected must be left to dry for at least 10 days in the sun or in similar, suitable places, until the minimum sugar content reaches 30%.Infoelba non si assume alcuna responsabilità per l'uso di marchi e slogan usati dagli inserzionisti e per eventuali errate indicazioni.
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