Right opposite Ghiaie beach the stretch of sea between Punta Falcone and Capo Bianco has been a protected biology area since 1971, established by the MiPAAF - Italian Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Politics.
These protected marine biology areas have been chosen with the specific aim of safeguarding and increasing the marine resources, so any type of fishing, be it amateur, professional, underwater or even simply for work, is strictly forbidden in the area around Lo Scoglietto.
Just do some underwater swimming in this area and you will be able to admire a truly unique seabed rich in biodivesity where you can see thousands of different fish, , and this is why it is one of the most popular scuba diving areas on the Island of Elba.
The area around Lo Scoglietto is also a Site of Community Importance - SIC in Italian - ,a Special Area of Conservation - ZPS in Italian - , and a Site of Regional Importance - SIR in Italian - protected by the European Union Habitat Directive.
Nautical chart by Navionics
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