The recipe for Penne in barca was created by Elbano Benassi, a Portoferraio chef and the first communist mayor of the post-war period. Benassi was also a pioneer of the island's tourism industry, opening the "Da Elbano" tavern in the capital, where freshly caught fish and boiled octopus were served, always accompanied by a “quartino of wine.” In addition to cooking traditional dishes, Elbano enjoyed inventing new recipes by combining the tradition of popular cooking with his innovation.
Difficulty: easy
Cost: low
Serves: 6 people
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Pairing with Elban wines: Elba Procanico D.O.C.
500 g of fresh clams with shells, 1/2 glass of white wine, 600 g of penne rigate, 300 g of béchamel sauce (nowadays cream is used), 3 egg yolks, fresh parsley, 3 cloves of garlic, olive oil, 1 onion, 1 chili, salt
Let the clams purge the sand by soaking them in water and salt for a while.
In a pan, sauté the finely chopped onion and garlic, and the chili in oil (and butter). Add the freshly washed clams and deglaze with white wine, allowing it to evaporate.
Season with salt. Once the clams have opened, add the béchamel (the original recipe called for adding a light dusting of flour to the clams, diluted with the water the clams released during cooking, or fish broth), stirring everything together.
Let cook for a few minutes, then add the al dente penne pasta and, with the heat off, add the raw and beaten egg yolks.
Quickly toss everything together (without scrambling the eggs) and serve with a sprinkle of fresh chopped parsley.
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