The Mayor of Marciana Marina has decreed that part dogs are allowed on a special part of the beach with their owners; the dogs may not be taken to the rest of the beach.
This part of the beach goes from "Moletto del Pesce" to the part directly opposite the house number 22 in Viale Regina Margherita, every day from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Dogs must be accompanied by their owners, who must have all that is necessary to clean up should the dog defecate. Should the owner not do so, he will be fined on the basis of the num. 1/2008 decree.
Article 1
Dogs are allowed on the beach only in the special area and only during the forementioned timetable. The life guards and beach security guards are authorized to inform the Town Police if the law in any way is not respected, who will then proceed to fine the owner.
Article 2
In the part of the beach where dogs are allowed the owner is entirely responsible for his dog at all times, and must respect the Decree num. 1/2008 entitled "Care of your dog in public areas and avoiding any risks to other people" at all times;
Going to and staying on the special area for dogs is subject to the following behaviour rules and regulations:
The area around you must be kept clean and tidy;
Whatever is needed should the dog defecate must be kept with you at all times;
All dogs, regardless of their size, must be kept on a lead at all times.
The owner is entirely responsible for his dog at all times, otherwise he will be subject to a fine on the basis of the Decree num. 1/2008.
The Town Police will ensure the decree is respected to the full; should the need for a fine arise, it goes from a minimum of 100 euros to a maximum of 1000 euros, on the basis of the Law num. 689 of November 24th 1981, including any further changes added.
The Decree is in force immediately and a copy will be sent to the Town Police; it will be up to them to inform the public and have warnings put up wherever necessary.
Should anyone not agree with this Decree they have 60 days to appeal against it to the Regional Administrative Court, or 120 days to appeal to the President of the Republic.
Marciana Marina 15th July 2010.
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