The primary mission is to share the beauties of Elba's nature with the guests of the Island of Elba, spotting dolphins, and exploring caves and coves accessible only by sea. We will make swimming stops allowing you to enjoy locations reachable only and exclusively by boats of these sizes. Coastal sailing will allow you to capture every spectacular corner of our island.
On the Mickey Mouse, you will feel right at home and enjoy the island in a unique way!
Pomonte Wreck and Blue Grotto
departure at 3:30 PM - return at 6:30 PM
Euro 30.00
Searching for Cetaceans
departure at 9:30 AM - return at 3:00 PM
Euro 50.00
Sun Coast
Tuesday and Saturday
departure at 10:00 AM - return at 3:00 PM
Euro 40.00
Tour of Elba Island
Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday
departure at 9:00 AM - return at 3:00 PM
Euro 50.00
Sun Coast - East Side
departure at 10:00 AM - return at 3:00 PM
Euro 40.00
All tours are conducted with an environmental guide.
Throughout the navigation, water is always available for guests. The onboard life is informal, and the crew is at your disposal to make you comfortable and meet every need. All this to ensure that a boat trip becomes an unforgettable experience.
Luciano +39 328 3781032
Ruggero +39 392 3186962
Piazzale della Salata
57034, Marina di Campo
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