MaB (Man and the Biosphere) is a scientific program launched by UNESCO in 1971 to promote a balanced relationship between humans and the environment through biodiversity protection and good practices for sustainable development.
The primary goal of the program is the rational and sustainable use and sharing of biosphere resources. To achieve this, it aims to increase people's ability to manage natural resources efficiently, for the well-being of both humans and the environment.
The MaB Program includes the Biosphere Reserves, which encompass terrestrial, marine/coastal ecosystems, or a combination of them. The Reserves promote scientific cooperation activities, interdisciplinary research, and environmental sustainability with the full involvement of local communities, thus representing examples of “best practices” in the context of sustainable development and the interaction between social and ecological systems.
The MaB UNESCO Tuscan Islands Reserve, established in 2003, consists of the seven islands of the Tuscan Archipelago (Gorgona, Capraia, Elba, Pianosa, Montecristo, Giglio, and Giannutri) and some small islands between the Tuscan coast and Corsica.
It includes the Tuscan Archipelago National Park (the largest marine park in the Mediterranean), 15 Natura 2000 sites including Sites of Community Importance and Special Protection Areas (according to the EU “Habitats” and “Birds” directives), and part of the International Sanctuary for Marine Mammals of the Mediterranean.
These environments encompass a great geological, geomorphological, biological, and cultural diversity representative of the Mediterranean region (which, in fact, led to the establishment of the Tuscan Archipelago National Park in 1996 to protect some rare endemic species).
Here, there are 22 different types of natural habitats, including evergreen sclerophyll forests, Mediterranean pine forests, and Mediterranean shrubland, chestnut forests, and broadleaf woodlands; and 37 species of animals of community interest, rare and endemic: peregrine falcon, Mediterranean horseshoe bat, and red-crowned swallow.
On the islands, there are about 30 prehistoric sites, numerous Etruscan sites related to mining activities, and some remains of Roman villas (Portoferraio, Procchio, Giglio harbor, Pianosa).
Within the reserve, over 30,000 people live permanently, mainly dedicated to summer tourism activities, and projects are being studied to introduce energy innovations and in the agricultural sector, while also monitoring marine water quality and reintroducing rare species.
Three islands, Capraia, Gorgona, and Pianosa, became penal colonies in the 19th century. The penitentiary institutions of Capraia and Pianosa were later closed, but the restrictions on access and land use related to the prison presence have undoubtedly contributed to the exceptional conservation of the environment both on land and at sea, and to its diversity.
Dedicated website for the MaB UNESCO Biosphere Reserve "Tuscan Islands":
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