Since as far back as the year 2003, and at the end of all the summer sports competitions, the A.S.D. Island of Elba Atletica has always organised the race known as the Stracosmopoli.
This non competitive race was first held with the idea of enabling the many tourists who come to the island in August to discover not only the beauty of the old part but also the Medicean walls around Elba's most important town.
The route is approximately 9,5 km long and is both unique and very suggestive; the race is held along both urban and suburban roads most of which are within the Medicean walls around Portoferraio. As you follow the route you will have a breathtaking view of the gulf of Portoferraio: the Medicean Docks, the Martello Tower, Forte Stella, Napoleon's house in Mulini as well as Le Viste and Le Ghiaie beaches.
As well as the race that is suitable for adults there is also another race especially for children and teenagers along the Medicean Docks.
Suggestion from Infoelba: If you wish further information concerning the routes, how to enroll as well as the rules and regulations of the Stracosmopoli race please visit our website at the sports category!
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