Departure: Biodola
Arrival: Procchio
Average time: 1 hour
Distance: 2.8 km
Difficulty: very easy
Elevation gain: 63 m
Trails taken: n. 245
Points of interest: Lamaia beach, Porticciolo beach
This beautiful walk, which connects Biodola beach to Procchio beach, can be considered the continuation of the trek that starts from Viticcio and reaches Forno beach.
It is a pleasant walk of just over an hour that combines a pleasant seaside stroll with the discovery of two charming little beaches that are rarely crowded: Lamaia and Porticciolo.
The Health Trail is particularly suitable for families with children, as it is simple, with few inclines, and almost always shaded. The walk begins at the far left of Biodola beach, where you will walk along the rocky path and pass through a gate.
Infoelba recommends: If the gate is closed (especially in winter), you can go behind the Hermitage hotel.
Continuing the walk just steps from the sea, you will pass through a fascinating tunnel carved into the rock during World War II and a well-maintained short path that leads to a lovely deserted cove: Lamaia beach.
At the other end of the beach, in just a few minutes, trail no. 245, with stunning views of the seabed below, will lead you to the smaller Porticciolo cove.
At the end of the bay, you climb onto the rocks and continue along the path surrounded by the scents of the Mediterranean scrub, under the shade of a holm oak forest. After a short while, the trail meets a gravel road (via della Cicala), then passes through some houses and reaches the eastern end of Procchio beach, in the La Guardiola area.
From here, a wooden walkway leads to the sandy beach of Procchio.
Infoelba recommends: This trail is a must-do with a camera in hand, and be sure to stop for a swim in one of the two small coves, which are usually semi-deserted since the main road is far away, and the only access is either this trail or by boat.
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