Departure: Marciana (408 m. a.s.l.)
Arrival: Pomonte
Average time: 6 hours
Length: 11.9 km
Difficulty: difficult
Ascent difference: 732 m
Paths followed: no. 101, GTE north, GTE south
Things to see: Romitorio di San Cerbone, Monte Capanne
Things to try: Monte Capanne Cable Car
Trail no. 101 is the main route to the summit of Monte Capanne. The path climbs the northern slopes of the mountain massif, reaching the summit at 1019 m, the highest point in the Tuscan Archipelago.
Curiosity: Monte Capanne, with its 1019 m a.s.l., is the highest peak of both the Island of Elba and the entire province of Livorno.
The route starts from the medieval village of Marciana, near the gate of Sant’Agabito.
The trail ascends slowly through a lush chestnut forest that provides shade, making the walk pleasant even during the summer months.
After about 1.5 km, past a small ruin, there is a right-hand turn at an altitude of 506 m that leads to the Grotta di San Cerbone, the small cave where, according to tradition, the saint lived during his time on the island, until his death on October 10, 575.
After resuming trail no. 101, you will pass under the cables of the cable car, arriving at the Romitorio di San Cerbone, built in 1421 near the cave where the hermit retreated during the final years of his life.
The trail remains moderately steep for a short distance, but just before meeting the GTE north, the steepest section of the path begins, which from here to the summit can only be tackled by trained hikers.
After crossing the GTE north for the second time, reaching the summit requires more than 40 minutes of walking on sunny and panoramic slopes, where the granite faces are exposed and the vegetation becomes sparse. The trail in some areas consists of steep “macei”, landslides of large granite slabs that have detached from the upper slopes due to weathering.
Once at the summit, the effort is well rewarded by the priceless 360° view of the entire island of Elba, with a panorama that includes Corsica, the Tuscan Archipelago, and much of the coastline.
infoelba recommends: To reach Monte Capanne, you can also take [page id="1251"]trail no. 100 for experienced, equipped hikers.
Resuming trail no. 101, continue until the junction with the GTE north, then descend quickly until reaching the GTE bifurcation at Passo delle Filicaie (870 m), a small plateau between Monte Capanne and Monte Calanche.
Continue on the GTE south toward the underrock shelters of Colle della Grottaccia (647 m), crossing the barren ridge of Cenno, where muflons roam undisturbed under the watchful eyes of buzzards and peregrine falcons, until you reach the ancient stone village of the Mure (631 m), the largest mountain fortification on Elba. The village, inhabited by Villanovian populations, was destroyed in 453 BC by the Syracusans and never rebuilt. Much of the original walls remain, along with many worked stones, which were later reused by shepherds to build shelters and enclosures.
The descent continues into the Poio Valley, which is crossed by a stream that remains rich in water even during the summer, with charming little waterfalls and ponds. This vast valley, which overlooks Pomonte, has been entirely terraced by the sea up to 640 meters in height and once cultivated with vineyards, now mostly abandoned but still a testament to the immense efforts of Elban farmers.
The route ends at Pomonte, among the white houses facing a fairy-tale sea.
infoelba recommends: From Monte Capanne, you can also retrace trail no. 101 until the second junction with GTE north (the first on the way up), turning left. Continue until the junction with trail no. 110, which you take downhill, then follow no. 103, which quickly leads to Marciana.
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