Type of scuba diving: stones, rocks and Posidonia
Minimum licence required: base
Depth: min 5 m, max 30 m
A yellow buoy shows exactly where Le Cerniette is, within the Ischiaiola cove. Start off at the buoy and swim down to the sandy plateau that is partially covered by a heavy blanket ofoceanic Posidonia.
If you now swim towards the coast you will get to the first of many huge masses that make up this scuba diving area, at a depth of approximately -20 metres. The beauty of scuba diving here means if you swim amidst the rocks you have the chance of coming across numerous groupers which are the protagonists of the entire area.
Go down deeper to a depth of -30 metres and you will see severalnatural step-like slabs rich in gorgonias and marine bioconstructions.
On your way back up you will be able to admire the beauty of the surfacing rocks that are rich in a thick blanket of Cystoseira seaweed, the perfect habitat for the organisms that choose to live and grow at this depth.
You will easily see large sea bream, snappers out on the hunt, as well as sea hares during the summer.
Thanks to the morphology of the seabed and the fact that it isn't too deep, scuba diving here is perfect for divers of every licence level.
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