At the Island of Elba, the company ESA – Elbana Servizi Ambientali manages the integrated waste cycle.
The most important part of this virtuous waste management lies with the citizens and guests of the Island of Elba. Therefore, it is essential to know how to correctly separate waste and, above all, how, when, and where to dispose of it.
For the correct disposal of waste, simply refer to the color coding used on the Island of Elba and the waste guide.
yellow: plastic and metal
blue: paper and cardboard
green: glass
brown: organic waste
gray: non-recyclable dry waste
Download the door-to-door collection calendar in PDF format ›
In the Elban municipalities, there are also controlled access collection points. The Ecological Islands are designed to facilitate proper waste collection for guests who have not been able to use the door-to-door service at their residence or the place where they stayed.
The Ecological Islands allow for the disposal of the five waste fractions (organic, plastic and metal, paper and cardboard, glass, non-recyclable waste).
To dispose of waste, you only need to identify yourself with your Health Card.
Location of Ecological Islands ›
Across the Elban territory, there are collection centers where you can dispose of separated waste.
If you have any doubts or questions, please ask the hotelier, campsite manager, beach establishment manager, landlord, or directly contact ESA by calling the dedicated door-to-door service toll-free number 800.688.850. A small action can make a big difference!
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