The emergency medical assistance in Elba is very efficient, and during the summer months extra staff are hired. The Paediatrics ward and the hyperbaric chamber in the Hospital in Portoferraio are open 24 hours a day.
The Police, the Emergency Medical Service and Fire Prevention are all over the island, and all have their own branch in each municipality.
The Civil Defence Service is also present all over the island, and not only do they help with the Emergency Medical Assistance but also have numerous volunteers in the Fire Prevention Service.
Banking and foreign exchange can be can be done in any of the numerous banks and cashlines on the island.
There is no natural gas on the Island of Elba, so gas is sold in cylinders which you can buy from any of the authorized dealers to be found all over the island.
Most towns have a Post Office. You should have no problems using your mobile because all the phone companies have aerials all over the island.
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