Our Hotel faces the most beautiful bay on the Island of Elba, three hundred meters from the sea.
Rooms have private bath, balcony, direct outside telephone, TV-SAT, hairdryer, air conditioning.
The hotel also has private parking, a TV room, living room, bar solarium, central heating system that makes it comfortable even during off-season travel.
The Hotel is directly managed by its owners, and also offers a parking lot and an agreement with a seaside facility.
Opening | Open from 09/05/2025 to 30/09/2025 |
Check in | 15:00 |
Check out | 10:30 |
Type of board |
Loc. Fetovaia
57034, Marina di Campo
Who to contact: hotelanna
CIN: IT049003A16XEG5UG2
Codice Locazioni Brevi: "IT049003A16XEG5UG2"
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