Our webcam is in the 3 star Villa Ombrosa Hotel in Portoferraio, overlooking the white pebbled Le Ghiaie beach. On the top right you can see Lo Scoglietto, a tiny island with a lighthouse less than a mile from the coast. Its sea bed is one of the most spectacular scuba diving areas in the Tirreno Sea.
Since 1971, (M.D. of 10/08/71) the area of sea in the beach has been part of an environment protection area, so fishing is strictly forbidden within the rectangular area that goes from Punta Falcone, beyond Lo Scoglietto as far as Punta Capo Bianco. The only type of fishing allowed is with a line from the shore. The three beaches within this area are Viste, Le Ghiaie and Padulella.
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